Student Life
When you arrive on campus, there are a number of ways to get involved in your residence hall.
Hall Leadership Teams
First-Year Communities and Upper-Division Communities elect Hall Leadership Teams to work together and shape the culture and environment in each community. Hall Leadership Teams serve as an advisory group to the Residence Hall Directors and represent their community to serve and enhance the residential experience. Members of Hall Leadership Teams attend weekly meetings and help hall staff to prepare events and programming in their communities.
Baylor is recognized for supporting one of the top intramural sports programs in the nation, with more than 7,000 students participating each year. Each on-campus community has teams for a variety of different sports and compete with other communities on-campus each week. Intramural sports help students meet new friends, get some exercise, and relieve stress.
Homecoming Hall Decoration Contest
During Baylor Homecoming week, residents add to the school spirit of campus by decorating the outside of their residence hall. Each community also paints a wooden pallet to put in the Homecoming bonfire. At the end of the week, a winning hall is honored for having the most Baylor spirit.
Treat Night
Each fall, the on-campus communities set up their halls to host trick-or-treating for the children and grandchildren of Baylor faculty and staff. Residents decorate the hallways and dress up in Halloween getups to give treats to the kids who visit the hall.
Hall-Specific Traditions
Each hall holds its own unique traditions aside from campus-wide events. Collins Hall holds a Sisterhood Ceremony each year, while Martin Hall hosts the Martin Olympics, and Teal Residential College competes in a Cardboard Boat Regatta.
Other ways to get involved:
Bible Studies
Book Clubs
Study Groups
TV watching parties (Monday Night Football, Glee, etc.)
Make your own tradition and really get involved!